
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Future

There are many things that social media can do for someone. It can ruin someone or it can make them look better. This applies to many different things, both professional and social. Both of these things can also play together to make things either harder for someone or easier. Bringing social aspects into the professional world has been a big impact to companies and employers who are looking for new people to hire or get new interns. The upcoming engineers are able to reach out early on to companies, both big or small, and ask for them to shadow others or land an internship to help them further on in the pursue of their career. This is all able to happen through sites like LinkedIn and even sites like facebook or other famous pages that have groups where someone could network for themselves. These various tools will have such a large impact just as it has in recent years, so it would be smart of anyone to learn how to use them and utilize them as positively as possible in order to get