Business and Social Media

In my time using various different social media platforms for personal and school reasons, there has always been advertisements from big and small businesses that are trying to grow. Using social media platforms are a very good place for businesses to promote their products or whatever they are trying to advertise using social media. From my experience in social media, a lot of the big brands seem to get more and more promotion from platforms like Instagram since they are more popular and have a larger audience that will share the posts being made to promote deals or new products being released.

Businesses have grown rapidly or almost none at all due to social media. Even if there are businesses that don't get as big as fast, every business that is being promoted is getting some sort of recognition by people who view it and share it. Any type of recognition is a good for businesses because that means that people are noticing them and not ignoring the type of promotion that is being made in whichever social media platform. The promotion that is made is another way for businesses to get feedback from consumers and ideas that consumers would want to see in the future. Being able to see that feedback and interaction between consumer and producer is a big thing in social media because it can give the businesses an idea of what the consumer wants which is a big thing in business in order to grow and make profits.

The business that I believe has a good use of social media is the Vans company. I feel like this is a good example because even if they aren't always responding to consumers, there are aspects that they added into their business that has made an impact on themselves. What I am talking about is on their website that allows costumers and consumers to make custom designs on their shoes. This is what I think is a really great idea for them because then people are able to incorporate what they want on the product that they are going to purchase.


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