Social Media in Politics

It is no question that the president of the United States that has been recently elected has been highly active in social media sites such as twitter. His constant use of twitter to call out others and cause tension over the states has been something that would be better kept to himself.  I personally do not follow Donald Trump on twitter but from seeing repost on other platforms of social media has made me nervous for those who he has been targeting because it is not fair what he is doing to people that want to make it in a place where everyone is "equal".

Social media has made it easier to know what has been going on in politics and the terribly stuff that politics have been causing to those who are minorities in the U.S. Even though it is important to keep up with politics and the different changes that are trying to be made in order to attack those who are just trying to have a better life in a place where there is opportunity. There has been a lot of ways that social media has changed the way people view running candidates due to rumors that were made up to depict them in a certain way. Now that more political candidates are in social media, they are able to market their campaign to a wider range of people who they wouldn't have usually have targeted.

Social media marketing would be much more effective to target those who are in the range of upcoming voters rather than only keeping their audience offline. Social media is a very powerful tool that would help get an audience and publicity over a wide range than there would be from having to go to specific states or cities in order to get the speech done there. Videos and pictures can make publicity grow with people sharing and reposting what they think about them even if it is a good or bad public statement to some people. The main thing that would be happening is getting publicity, so there would a big impact on the numbers based on their viewership and audience.


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