
The Future

There are many things that social media can do for someone. It can ruin someone or it can make them look better. This applies to many different things, both professional and social. Both of these things can also play together to make things either harder for someone or easier. Bringing social aspects into the professional world has been a big impact to companies and employers who are looking for new people to hire or get new interns. The upcoming engineers are able to reach out early on to companies, both big or small, and ask for them to shadow others or land an internship to help them further on in the pursue of their career. This is all able to happen through sites like LinkedIn and even sites like facebook or other famous pages that have groups where someone could network for themselves. These various tools will have such a large impact just as it has in recent years, so it would be smart of anyone to learn how to use them and utilize them as positively as possible in order to get

Access and Equity

The internet and all its useful tools have had a large impact on the world we live in today, let it be negative or positive, there is a impact that this has on everyone. Considering what society has grown into, social media and social networking is a very big thing that I have seen corporations use in order to let others know what they are working on or what they have accomplished. Not only can this be what people with internet have access to but also those who are upcoming in their career are able to reach out to companies and others in order to let themselves be known and show what they are able to do. The big difference that comes from this and those who are not able to access the internet is that those who have internet have the upper hand when it comes to competition in finding a job. So having access to the internet puts a barrier in equity. There is no equal opportunity because of this and in the article, "Digital Divide: If You're Reading This, You're One of the L

Social Media Changing Education

With social media growing so much in these past years there has been even more use of it even for ways to teach in schools. From my past experiences in high school, grades 9-12, there were assignments that were lead by social media in order to promote positive and educational posts for everyone to see. The way that the teachers checked if we really did the assignment was by having us pull out our device and pulling up the post that we were suppose to make. Now I am not sure how schools would use social media as they did when I used it. I see a lot of schools from back home that have made accounts on different social media platforms in order to keep students, parents and others up to date with important dates and what is relevant to the students and their families. This is a really great approach that some schools I know have taken and their support has given a lot of important information on people who want to make a difference in their community. Personally, I have seen many student

Business and Social Media

In my time using various different social media platforms for personal and school reasons, there has always been advertisements from big and small businesses that are trying to grow. Using social media platforms are a very good place for businesses to promote their products or whatever they are trying to advertise using social media. From my experience in social media, a lot of the big brands seem to get more and more promotion from platforms like Instagram since they are more popular and have a larger audience that will share the posts being made to promote deals or new products being released. Businesses have grown rapidly or almost none at all due to social media. Even if there are businesses that don't get as big as fast, every business that is being promoted is getting some sort of recognition by people who view it and share it. Any type of recognition is a good for businesses because that means that people are noticing them and not ignoring the type of promotion that is bei

Social Media in Politics

It is no question that the president of the United States that has been recently elected has been highly active in social media sites such as twitter. His constant use of twitter to call out others and cause tension over the states has been something that would be better kept to himself.  I personally do not follow Donald Trump on twitter but from seeing repost on other platforms of social media has made me nervous for those who he has been targeting because it is not fair what he is doing to people that want to make it in a place where everyone is "equal". Social media has made it easier to know what has been going on in politics and the terribly stuff that politics have been causing to those who are minorities in the U.S. Even though it is important to keep up with politics and the different changes that are trying to be made in order to attack those who are just trying to have a better life in a place where there is opportunity. There has been a lot of ways that social m

Social Activism

We all know that in this age we live in there has been a lot going on in the world. Who is to blame is on what people want to believe. However, there are obvious signs and evidence that there is a specific person to blame. There is people recording everyday now. People record to make sure police are in check and to show what kind of world we live in where there is brutality going on in a daily basis. This is sad to know but more and more people have been dying while the people who are trying to do something the most is the generation being affected by it and not those who swore to "protect" them. Social media plays a big role in activism now that there is ways to prove that someone was acting without reason in order to cause harm. Most of the people growing up and experiencing this have been doing all they can so that those who are too young will not have to deal with such issues that cause pain, agony, hatred and pure sadness like there has been in todays society. The

What can result from crowdsourcing and crowdfunding

Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding is a big deal for those who have not really been fortunate enough to have the money in order to start the projects they pictured in their mind or for those who need that little extra help so they can start going in the path they dreamt about. Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding can go a long way for anyone who wants to be in a certain profession or for anyone who is trying to do something new that they think will be beneficial. In my eyes, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding can go a long way for those in the engineering field since there is so much that can be done with the support of others that see benefit as a result. Pages like Kickstarter have helped many people reach out for support and have attained it from those who want to help others out in order to see them reach their goals in life. In major projects, this type of support is a major step that is taken in order to see others progress and make big steps into the project they are working on. Not only th