Social Media Changing Education

With social media growing so much in these past years there has been even more use of it even for ways to teach in schools. From my past experiences in high school, grades 9-12, there were assignments that were lead by social media in order to promote positive and educational posts for everyone to see. The way that the teachers checked if we really did the assignment was by having us pull out our device and pulling up the post that we were suppose to make.

Now I am not sure how schools would use social media as they did when I used it. I see a lot of schools from back home that have made accounts on different social media platforms in order to keep students, parents and others up to date with important dates and what is relevant to the students and their families. This is a really great approach that some schools I know have taken and their support has given a lot of important information on people who want to make a difference in their community. Personally, I have seen many students grow with their take in the school system with the support of social media and have helped schools get what they need in order to help students since it is coming from a passionate student that cares what is going on in the school system.

I have always had social media as a distraction from school. I always find a way to get myself distracted from the work I am suppose to do simply because social media gets me interested in things that are irrelevant to what I am suppose to do. Social media gets me stuck in the time and makes me lose focus from my assignments but it is also a way to help me from stressing since it is a way to get my mind off of the amount of work I may have to do. This is not referring to me slacking off, this is meaning that I will take breaks in the process of assignments so that I don't burn myself out. So if social media is used properly by students, then it can be a really big help for them in the educational system and as a stress reliever if it is useful that way.


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