
Showing posts from February, 2018

User Generated Content

Blogging is a new type of media that I am using and I am still needing to figure out how to know what to say and what I actually want to say. Yes, I do know that it is just me putting down words of what I want to talk about. However, I struggle with ideas and what it is that is pushing me to want to write. User Generated Content. What I recently learned about is giving me insight on what this blog is meant to be and why people make their own content away from companies that make money from it. In my personal opinion, those who do what they love just because it pleases them and not because of money are people who are actually trying to reach out to people in order to show them what it means to do what you love for pleasure. Even though this is also something that can happen while also getting paid, user generated content is a great way for these people to reach out to people and show or inspire others that they are also able to do what they set their minds to and be happy even if it

Social Networking

It is clear that social media can have a really heavy influence on the relationships people have in real world confrontations or expectations. The impacts of social media also depend on the user and wether the users are being careful with their use of the media. Social connections can go in many ways. Two of those ways are usually either having expectations that lead to disappointment or end up in a positive stance where those they connect with become really good friends or connections. In a place where someone wants to make a social name for themselves in order to build strong connections with others in the field they want to be in. As an aspiring engineer, I am realizing there is a lot connections I have to make before it gets too late for me. In hope that there will be progress for me to get connected with companies and other engineers or aspiring engineers as myself. These connections will surely be something really helpful for myself to get closer to my goal and gain good friend


Hello, my name is Juan Salas and I am attending Chico State. I am in my second semester and will finish my first year of this new adventure in college. Even if I am not as far away from home, this is something that I will be doing for the next few years of my life and am hoping to achieve great things from my time at there in Chico. As this transition from Oakland to Chico, there is a very big difference in the community and environment. The main thing is that there is not as much sirens going off every night in Chico like there is in Oakland. One way that there is a change needed in Oakland is the amount of minorities that are going to college and becoming successful in higher fields of work. For example, my goal is to become a mechanical engineer and be the first to graduate from college in my family. My way of sharing this is on this blog and also how people are able to connect with one another through the different ways of social media that has grown on people today. Everyone can