Social Networking

It is clear that social media can have a really heavy influence on the relationships people have in real world confrontations or expectations. The impacts of social media also depend on the user and wether the users are being careful with their use of the media. Social connections can go in many ways. Two of those ways are usually either having expectations that lead to disappointment or end up in a positive stance where those they connect with become really good friends or connections.

In a place where someone wants to make a social name for themselves in order to build strong connections with others in the field they want to be in. As an aspiring engineer, I am realizing there is a lot connections I have to make before it gets too late for me. In hope that there will be progress for me to get connected with companies and other engineers or aspiring engineers as myself. These connections will surely be something really helpful for myself to get closer to my goal and gain good friends and strong connections that will get me closer to my goals.

Being able to connect with others so easily online is such a helpful thing these days in the age of technology, but it is still very helpful to go to clubs and events that will help with interviews and getting connections with internships in person than doing it online. There is many clubs that will help students in school and many sessions on campus that help with practicing when going for interviews. These recourses will be very helpful when having in person confrontations. Being able to build the confidence with practice is a very strong trait to have because confidence shows that you are trustworthy and know what you are going for in life.

Social networking is one thing that can help with getting connections when people are not able to get to meet each other in person. People are able to look at the type of person one another is online and they can get information from that to see if there is potential in another person or if there are positive traits. Social networking can be a really positive thing when the user is careful about the way they use the internet and if it is not, then there can be a negative impact that can lead to not getting a job or internship. There are many things that can happen with the internet, so being careful with it is important. Making sure to practice in person is also important.


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